Charlotte. She's a pretty blonde with an intoxicating fragrance and a charming disposition. And she is, thus far, my favorite all the roses. I say "thus far" because kind sweet
Mr. David Austin has just opened my eyes to an entirely new world of roses to behold.
Tree Roses,
English Climbers,
Shrub Roses? My gentle Charlotte is just the beginning!
I first spotted her at the hardware store near my work. Her tag said "
David Austin English Roses: Exquisite cup-shaped blooms with a tea fragrance. Bushy, free-flowering shrub. Exceptionally healthy." She was staring me down from across the greenhouse. I
literally gasped when I saw those "exceptionally healthy" blooms. And then again when I saw the price: 70 bucks. Yikes.
Not today little roses. Then the next week and the next I kept seeing her in each stage of her summery bloom, gently luring me in with those soft creamy petals and fruity perfume.
I love roses. And English Roses are my
favorite. If Seth would have handed me a bouquet of English Roses on our first date, it would not have taken us almost
6 years to get married Icantellyathatmuch.
But Seth wasn't the one to give me these roses. The moment I saw that 70% off sign I nearly fell out of my car, knocking down every old lady in sight, just to get to them.
Ain't NO granny coming between me and my roses. I've waited too long! (No offense granny.)
And now, after so much tender love and care, they've finally bloomed again! I am already thinking of the possibilities...a rose tree painting?
In. My. Dreams. A portrait of a girl surrounded by buttery blooms?
Oh my. And do you want to know the best part? Mr. Austin named this flower after his granddaughter,
I think I just came up with the name of our first girl. ;)
*On a different note entirely, I just wanted to mention my blog redesign. I needed something simpler, less cluttered. I appreciate your patience as I change things around. It needed to be refreshed!