October 24, 2012

more portraits

Custom House Portrait
watercolor & collage on paper, 8x10"
Custom House Portrait
watercolor & collage on paper, 8x10"

Building Portrait
watercolor & collage on paper, 8x10"
I wish I could share all the portraits I've been working on lately, but most of them are being sweetly given as Christmas gifts this year.  I'd hate to ruin a good surprise!  But here are just a few of my favorites that I can share.

First, there's the pretty brick house and white porch with crimson leaves blowing in the Autumn breeze and the golden-green front door (adorable).  Then there's the two little poodles guarding the Kilzer's very green and growing patio.  And finally, a portrait for my last employer- a "thank you" gift from me to them.  I worked downstairs mostly, in the children's book and gift shop, and decorated those big front windows for all the seasons.  Then, I moved into an office in the back and traded the sunny glass for computer monitors (that's the ADI part of it).  It's really a great old building in downtown Lincoln with lots of character (and ghosts that walk the stairs at night- eek!).

Hope your week is full and happy.  I'm excited to share more projects with you soon!

(Click here for more examples or to purchase your own custom portrait.)


Jane said...

Wonderful and happy watercolors , love the notes you put into your works...make you wanna sing :-))

Anonymous said...

Looks like your'e keeping yourself busy these days. Cool Beans!