July 2, 2013


Growing up in the country and being raised on a farm are two totally different things. I grew up in an old farm house on a couple of acres of land surrounded by corn on all sides. My parents weren't farmers. They just loved the solitude and charm of country living.

My friends, on the other hand, mostly grew up on farms in this area. They know all the best spots to camp, fish, hunt for mushrooms, and pick wild berries and flowers. I'm totally envious of their knowledge of this place- things you don't learn from books but from life. I'm mostly clueless about where the best black raspberries grow and how to tell when they're ripe for picking. But I'm learning, and yesterday they let me tag along.

On our walk back from picking berries we cut across a tall field of grass and wildflowers where us girls picked big bouquets of Black-Eyed Susan and Purple Coneflower. The milkweed is also blooming, but wilted before I could get it home. The daisies are from my garden and are of the less-wild variety. :)

Oh, and I'm reading through this fabulous book about the life of Christ and learning so much. You really must read it!

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